A BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE who sponsors me and helps me pursue my passion which is fishing and sharing my love of the outdoors with others.
We only use premium gear and mandate optimal performance from every product we use. We are partnered with the companies listed below because they hold themselves to the same standard of excellence that we demand from ourselves at Whiskey Bayou Charters.
The companies listed below are the best of the best in each of their fields, purchase any of these products with the confidence that they will perform and exceed your expectations.

Mercury Marine® has been making world-class outboards and sterndrives for more than 75 years. We started back in 1939 in a small machine shop in Wisconsin, and we've grown into the largest builder of marine propulsion systems in the world. Number one on the water. And we didn't get there by sitting still.

Majek Boats were born out of necessity and a bit of frustration. The year was 1982 and commercial fisherman John Majek was fed up with having to constantly replace the boats he used to fish the rough bays and shallow waters near Corpus Christi.

We have also partnered with Seaguar Fluorocarbon, the industry pioneer and leader in Fluorocarbon line technology. Utilizing their 40lb Gold Label Fluorocarbon and 40lb Smackdown braid as our primary lines on our charter and tournament rods.

With groundbreaking weight savings and the crew at Lithium pros have given anglers the ability to drop hundreds of pounds of weight out of their tournament boats while maintaining all of the reserve power required to run 36 volt trolling motors and live well pumps through a full day of fishing, This is the future of marine battery technology and we are fortunate to be partnered with the folks at Lithium Pros.

The essence of life’s journey stretches beyond the boundaries of work and day-to-day life and is found in the things that feed our soul and engage and nurture our senses.

FRESHWATER. BASS ASSASSIN® has been making the world's best soft plastics for over 25 years.

Another new partnership for us, joining the 4 horsemen Tackle team just made sense 95 percent of our trips are made fishing popping corks and Aaron Pierce's crew make the best one in the business. Premium components, extremely durable, unique sound profile, are all reasons we joined the team. Guide tested and approved, fish the cork the pros use. We are very excited to feature this brand in the 2020 season.

The first and original high performance rotomolded cooler company. Established in Japan in 1962, Engel launched in the US in 1998. Over 50 years of innovation and passion go into every Engel product.

Fishing tackle, saltwater & freshwater, live bait, shinners, crickets, red worms, night crawlers, frozen shrimp, fishing poles, fishing reels, fishing line, corks, hooks, weights, No Bitchin Just Fishin clothing, custom spinner baits & buzz baits, knives, Just Grab It Gloves, boat accessories, Louisiana Fishing Charters, Saltwater Fishing Charters, Freshwater Fishing Charters, Redfish Fishing Charters, Speckled Trout Fishing Charters

Pursue your passion. When it comes to doing what you love, you don’t cut corners. You rise before the sun, practice for perfection and push your body to extremes, all in the name of the day’s biggest catch, a legendary drive, or shattering personal bests.

Since 1999, Carr Specialty Baits, Inc. has been busy revolutionizing the fishing industry with our game-changing brand of baits and lures called Fishbites. Family owned and operated in St. Augustine, FL, we pride ourselves on making reliably consistent fishing products for anglers of all ages around the world. Fishbites baits and lures are made with pride in the Sunshine State USA – The Fishing Capital of The World. Fishbites.com is the ONLY site where orders are shipped fresh from the factory.

The Fish Grip is a tool that fits you and it fits the fish; not just effective, but comfortable. Pulling a hook out of a fish’s mouth is far simpler when you employ The Fish Grip, but more importantly, it can grant you control over what can normally be a flopping fiasco. It’s “The Only Fish Grip with a Heart™!”

Hunting is no longer a matter of life and death for most of us. We do not rely on wildlife for food, shelter, clothing or tools.

Decades of innovation and dedication have put us here. Renowned as a master of knives and tools, Gerber’s problem-solving, life-saving products are designed with the unique needs of specific activities in mind. Today that includes much more than a blade.
About Captain Joe
Learn the story behind the captain and the beginning of Whiskey Bayou Charters.
Fishing Trip Rates
Choose the package that best suits your needs. *large groups call for pricing*